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Demo1: Create HTML+RDFa content from ISWC 2013 metadata

Creator: Li Ding
Homepage: http://lidingpku.github.io/iswc-archive/doc/iswc2013-demo-metadata2htmlrdfa.html
Description: A list of ISWC 2013 conference organizers are maintained a raw CSV file, each of the first 33 persons is related to role "[ME]" with role type "swc:Chair". A simple query over the CSV data, i.e. (name, organization, country, homepage, role_label), yields an HTML file, including one section for proceedings chair and one section for website maintainer. Similarly, we have created ISWC accepted papers.
Last modified: 2013-08-16


1. ISWC 2013 organizers: http://lidingpku.github.io/iswc-archive/data/www/iswc-2013-gen_conf_organizer.html
source data: https://github.com/lidingpku/iswc-archive/blob/master/data/source/iswc-2013-person.csv
2. ISWC 2013 accepted papers: http://lidingpku.github.io/iswc-archive/data/www/iswc-2013-gen_conf_paper.html
source data: https://github.com/lidingpku/iswc-archive/blob/master/data/source/iswc-2013-paper.csv
